Farah McCrate reacted to this post about 18 hours ago
What an incredible spot! Thanks for sharing! I love how many features are available in one place.
Anja Cahill Of course! Definitely a fun adventure destination
I love Ainsworth Hot Springs. The cave is the coolest thing.
Janet Guthrie Isn't it though! So happy to have finally been able to visit
Wow! This looks like such a great winter adventure! The cave looks like so much fun!!
Sonya Richmond Winter was a great time for a visit. I may not have been able to handle the heat in the cave in the summer
Fun hot spring to visit...the cave was so cool to experience but very humid. i do not think l could go in the cave in summertime, it would be veryFun hot spring to visit...the cave was so cool to experience but very humid. i do not think l could go in the cave in summertime, it would be very hot. Winter was an enjoyable time to visit! More ...
Cary Horning I agree!
Looks like it was a wonderful trip!
Kim Kenyon So much fun!
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