Plan your next adventure vacation on Prince Edward Island Canada
Accommodations, attractions, activities, parks, trails, places, tips, travel specials & more.
Prince Edward Island (PEI) is a Maritime province located on the east coast of Canada fronting the Atlantic Ocean. It is the smallest province in Canada measuring 5660 square kilometres (220 kilometres long & up to 6 to 64 kilometres wide). PEI is surrounded by 231 smaller islands and home to some amazing attractions and adventures. Prince Edward Island is connected to the rest of Canada by the Confederation Bridge, Northumberland Ferries and the Charlottetown Airport.

Capital City of PEI
PEI is Canada's 23rd largest island. The provincial capital is the City of Charlottetown. In 1864 PEI hosted the Charlottetown Conference to discuss confederation and the formation of Canada (1867). Since that memorable day Charlottetown has been called the "Birthplace of Canada".
PEI Canadian Highlights
PEI (Prince Edward Island) is home to many Canadian highlights which distinguishes the province from others in Canada. Here are a few of Prince Edward Island's featured characteristics. The red sand beaches which are caused by high iron content which oxidizes when exposed to the air. The PEI potato fields. The island grows a third of Canada’s potatoes. The coast-to-coast-to-coast-to-coast 60+ lighthouses. You must take the driving tour. The delicious seafood is world renown. PEI is best known for its lobster, tuna, herring, clams, oysters, scallops and mackerel. The Confederation Trail which is a 273 kilometre long hiking, biking, snowmobile, xc ski trail trail. The 90+ sandy beaches covering over 820+ kilometres of shoreline. The Confederation Bridge which is Canada's longest bridge measuring 12.9 kilometres. Anne of Green Gables Historic Site based on the famous novels
Best Parks, Trails and Places of Interest
The best parks, trails and places to explore on Prince Edward Island include the PEI National Park (40 kilometres of shoreline), Victoria Park (Charlottetown), A.A. Macdonald Memorial Park (Georgetown), Buffaloland Provincial Park (Montague), Poverty Beach (Murray River), Basin Head Provincial Park (Souris), Linkletter Provincial Park (Summerside), and the Jaques Cartier Provincial Park (Tignish).
Best Prince Edward Island Museums, Historic Sites, Art Galleries & Cultural Venues
Best Prince Edward Island Museums, Historic Sites, Art Galleries & Cultural Venues include Government House (Charlottetown), King’s Playhouse (Georgetown), Three Rivers National Historic Site (Montague), Point Prim Lighthouse (Murray River), Souris Historic Lighthouse (1880), Holman Homestead Museum (Summerside), and the Tignish North Point Lighthouse (Tignish).
Explore Prince Edward Island, PEI, , Canada Travel Guide for Accommodations, Attractions and Adventure.