•   Cary Horning commented on this post about 1 month ago
    Volunteering sometimes is a make or break for some community groups. It is important to put your efforts into an association that supports your passions. Please post where you volunteer?
    • Tourism Nicola Valley, Walk of Stars, Community Futures for me.
    • Friends of Kananaskis Country will be my most recent :
      Doing a roadside cleanup in about a week.

      I did Big Brothers and Sisters for years as well.Friends of Kananaskis Country will be my most recent :
      Doing a roadside cleanup in about a week.

      I did Big Brothers and Sisters for years as well. In both Ontario a long time ago, and Alberta until just after Covid.
      Volunteering is such an important community role
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    • Andrea Horning Love it Ang! Somehow I figured you would be all over volunteering.
    • Number 1: Eh Canada Travel, of course -
      Next on the list would be Surfrider Foundation Canada, South Vancouver Island. Since its inception,Number 1: Eh Canada Travel, of course -
      Next on the list would be Surfrider Foundation Canada, South Vancouver Island. Since its inception, Surfrider South Vancouver Island has been holding monthly beach cleanups around the South Island and in one year alone members and volunteers helped remove more than 7,000 pounds of garbage off of local shorelines.
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    • Kim Kenyon That is impressive. Why we litter is beyond me.
    • In my days l have volunteered for Animal Shelters, Red Cross, Winona Peach Festival, Santa Clause Parades, Canada Day Parades, Food Banks, Events,In my days l have volunteered for Animal Shelters, Red Cross, Winona Peach Festival, Santa Clause Parades, Canada Day Parades, Food Banks, Events, Community Cleanups, Pre-Schools, and Public Schools and won a City of Stoney Creek Volunteer of the Year Award.
      Signed up to be a Calgary Stampede Volunteer which would have been a fun time but had to cancel after my MVA.
      Hoping to still check that one off one day
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    • Cary Horning Wow... Cary good on you. Volunteering is a big job and takes a special person. Thank you for your service.
    • Greg Girard Thanks very much, l enjoyed volunteering, it was a lot of fun and you meet great people!
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