•   Andrea Horning commented on this post about 2 years ago
    Kim Kenyon created a new poll
    What are your 2023 Canadian Travel Resolutions
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    • In 2023, I hope to visit Regina, Saskatchewan. This would count as both a new city and a new province!
      I also remain ever hopeful for that Eh CanadaIn 2023, I hope to visit Regina, Saskatchewan. This would count as both a new city and a new province!
      I also remain ever hopeful for that Eh Canada Mug!
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    • Kim Kenyon Regina is a neat place! If you do go, try to head north of thr city a little bit and explore a little. Some nice lakes and unique placesKim Kenyon Regina is a neat place! If you do go, try to head north of thr city a little bit and explore a little. Some nice lakes and unique places around there! Little Manitou Lake for example   More ...
    • Kim Kenyon I had those mugs made btw haha
      Glad you love it so much
    • Andrea Horning Great job on the mugs! Very Impressive! Meanwhile, I am taking my (starbucks) CANADA mug with me everywhere!
    • Andrea Horning Thank you so much for this information!
    • I want to travel to Manitoba so I can photograph the flax fields in bloom.
    • Diana Mohrsen What time of year would that be Diana, in May?
    • Kim Kenyon I'm still trying to find out, but it would be in the summer. Apparently they grow flax in Saskatchewan also so maybe I don't have so farKim Kenyon I'm still trying to find out, but it would be in the summer. Apparently they grow flax in Saskatchewan also so maybe I don't have so far to drive from BC.  More ...
    • Diana Mohrsen Is the flax the one that looks purple/blue in bloom?
    • Diana Mohrsen I loved seeing that when I lived in Saskatchewan. Looked like mini lakes in the distance as you approach. Beautiful. I hope you get outDiana Mohrsen I loved seeing that when I lived in Saskatchewan. Looked like mini lakes in the distance as you approach. Beautiful. I hope you get out there to see it   More ...
    • EH Canada Marketing Group Greg, do you needs some mugs? I think I started a thing and Mom made it explode haha
    • Andrea Horning Yes, we need mugs. Just not a lot of time is available for that. We should talk down the road.
    • Every year I want to go somewhere new. I don't necessarily have a specific spot really. I just spontaneously pick somewhere and see what happensEvery year I want to go somewhere new. I don't necessarily have a specific spot really. I just spontaneously pick somewhere and see what happens haha. Sometimes I have a plan, but most times I don't. I just head in a direction and find whatever I find and I love it every time
      I suppose if I could get to PEI or Nova Scotia this year would be pretty cool though. Definitely want to get out east soon!
      But I will likely be driving up to the Yukon this summer. Haven't been there yet either!
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    • Andrea Horning I like to travel by your method too! Just head out and see what happens. I went to the Yukon a number of years ago and loved it. It isAndrea Horning I like to travel by your method too! Just head out and see what happens. I went to the Yukon a number of years ago and loved it. It is strange to have so many hours of daylight. You will love it!  More ...
    • Diana Mohrsen I spent a summer up working on the MacKenzie River in the Northwest Territories at a fly in fishing lodge and it was my 1st timeDiana Mohrsen I spent a summer up working on the MacKenzie River in the Northwest Territories at a fly in fishing lodge and it was my 1st time experiencing the 24hr light. Birds chirping at 3am outside my window because they're confused it was sleepy time haha Very cool to see!  More ...
    • Diana Mohrsen Northern Canada is on my list too.
    • We've got lots of hopes for new destinations in 2023. One of our favourites is Baffin Island
    • Sonya Richmond Yes, do not forget to do some research on eh Canada Travel as we have most of the parks, trails, destinations and historic sites. JustSonya Richmond Yes, do not forget to do some research on eh Canada Travel as we have most of the parks, trails, destinations and historic sites. Just a nudge.   More ...
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