Aboud Salman has exhibited his art in fifteen countries across Europe and the Middle East. A documentary has been made about him and his art and he has written four books as well as publishing many articles in international magazines. Aboud has...
Aboud Salman has exhibited his art in fifteen countries across Europe and the Middle East. A documentary has been made about him and his art and he has written four books as well as publishing many articles in international magazines. Aboud has won many awards as well and now he is an Edmontonian. What an incredible journey and life he has had. How fortunate is a small town like Calmar (population 2,000+) to be able to count themselves amongst places like Italy, France, Germany, and the United Arab Emirates that have held an Aboud Salman exhibit.
31 January 2024 ยท   1 year ago taken in   Calmar, AB T0C 0V0, Canada
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