Canada's largest showcase of outdoor gear and adventure travel experiences in coming to TORONTO! I'm planning on heading...
Canada's largest showcase of outdoor gear and adventure travel experiences in coming to TORONTO! I'm planning on heading there February 21st or 22nd, and I CAN'T WAIT!
Why? Because there are over 320 exhibitors offering the latest camping gear, paddle sports, outdoor clothing, scuba diving and adventure travel destinations.
Did you Know? There are over 100 adventure presentations being offered over the course of the weekend as well!
When: February 21-23, 2025
Where: International Centre, Toronto
How much? About $17 per person, or get a weekend pass for $21
Canada's largest showcase of outdoor gear and adventure travel experiences in coming to TORONTO! I'm planning on heading there February 21st or 22nd, and I CAN'T WAIT!
Why? Because there are over 320 exhibitors offering the latest camping gear, paddle sports, outdoor clothing, scuba diving and...
Canada's largest showcase of outdoor gear and adventure travel experiences in coming to TORONTO! I'm planning on heading there February 21st or 22nd, and I CAN'T WAIT!
Why? Because there are over 320 exhibitors offering the latest camping gear, paddle sports, outdoor clothing, scuba diving and adventure travel destinations.
Did you Know? There are over 100 adventure presentations being offered over the course of the weekend as well!
When: February 21-23, 2025
Where: International Centre, Toronto
How much? About $17 per person, or get a weekend pass for $21