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Calgary Pride presents the return to in-person programming for the 2022 pride season!  The Calgary Pride Parade and Fes...
Calgary Pride presents the return to in-person programming for the 2022 pride season! 
The Calgary Pride Parade and Festival, presented by TD, is an annual event where thousands gather to celebrate the diversity of the 2SLGBTQ+ community. A variety of events will run throughout August, concluding with the Calgary Pride Parade & Festival on Sunday, September 4, 2022.

Following the parade, join us at our new festival venue - Fort Calgary! The festival will feature a variety of thrilling performances, food truck vendors, kid-friendly activities, a vendor marketplace, and a beer garden – all along the beautiful Makhabn (Bow River).
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    Calgary Pride presents the return to in-person programming for the 2022 pride season! 
    The Calgary Pride Parade and Festival, presented by TD, is an annual event where thousands gather to celebrate the diversity of the 2SLGBTQ+ community. A variety of events will run throughout August, concludin...
    Calgary Pride presents the return to in-person programming for the 2022 pride season! 
    The Calgary Pride Parade and Festival, presented by TD, is an annual event where thousands gather to celebrate the diversity of the 2SLGBTQ+ community. A variety of events will run throughout August, concluding with the Calgary Pride Parade & Festival on Sunday, September 4, 2022.

    Following the parade, join us at our new festival venue - Fort Calgary! The festival will feature a variety of thrilling performances, food truck vendors, kid-friendly activities, a vendor marketplace, and a beer garden – all along the beautiful Makhabn (Bow River).
    4th Sep, 2022 11:00AM - America/Edmonton
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