Icebergs in Newfoundland Canada Spring 2023 - Ferryland
The large iceberg grounded off the coast of Ferryland Newfoundland Canada has been slowly melting over the past couple of weeks. The ancient glacial berg attracted tourists and locals alike this weekend on the historic Southern Shore. If you follow the Irish Loop road signs down the coast, the ice sculpture is an approximate 90 minute road trip from the capital city of St. John’s NL.
Icebergs have been a popular tourist attraction over the last few weeks as bergs float down the coastline from Greenland and the Arctic via “Iceberg Alley”. In fact, iceberg hunting is such a hot Spring activity, there was an iceberg finder app and website developed. Interested individuals are able to track the flow of bergs down the coast of the province. Spring 2023 is looking like it is going to be a large season for iceberg viewing on Canadas East Coast.
Kim Kenyon thank you! This iceberg was actually much bigger but it melted quite a bit by the time I got to Ferryland to view it!
This is awesome. I am headed to Newfoundland this weekend. Hoping to see some icebergs!
Lisa Muldoon Oh, Lisa - lucky you! I hope you get to see some icebergs.
Wow... this is some attraction. We so must cherish the natural attractions.
Tourism Nicola Valley - Merritt BC natural attractions in Newfoundland Canada are my fave - especially icebergs!
It sure is attracting plenty of onlookers!! Even the locals are out and about!!
Lori King yes it’s really nice to see Newfoundlanders out enjoying our natural wonders in addition to international tourists! I love it!
There is something special about these huge, silent, shapes slipping past that is amazing to witness. I notice in your videos a lot of seabirds too,There is something special about these huge, silent, shapes slipping past that is amazing to witness. I notice in your videos a lot of seabirds too, which is another great way to enjoy nature in Newfoundland! More ...
Sonya Richmond lots of seagulls around the ocean. In fact, I see a ton of bald eagles, gannets, osprey and more. It’s always cool to see icebergs upSonya Richmond lots of seagulls around the ocean. In fact, I see a ton of bald eagles, gannets, osprey and more. It’s always cool to see icebergs up close, but at a safe distance, on a local boat tour! More ...