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Seals in Newfoundland and Labrador Canada

By Cora Lee Rennie in Newfoundland 1291 views 8th May, 2023 Video Duration: N/A   Bay Bulls, NL A0A 1C0, Canada
Seals in Newfoundland and Labrador Canada are a common sighting while exploring the island. In fact, this furry seal was lounging on the slipway while we were trying to launch the jet ski in Bay Bulls. The critter delayed our boat launch as he was taking over the launching ramp with his sunbathing. It is important to remember that while seals look cute, they are wild animals and are not to be approached or fed. I have witnessed a North Atlantic seal become quite aggressive when it felt threatened by humans. 
Six species of seals were present in Newfoundland waters on my adventures and included harp, hooded, grey, harbour and fringed seals. Sea ice carries seals from Canada’s Arctic to the waters of NL. The wild marine animals fed on cod fish, herring, mackerel, capelin and whatever delicacies the ocean had to offer around Bay Bulls Canada. Bring your binoculars when visiting east coast Canada to zoom in on the incredible wildlife encounters. 

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  • And look at all the pictures you can get from your enforced delay!
  • Diana Mohrsen yes! I love watching wildlife. Seals can be quite entertaining - and saucy lol!
  • Catching a ride on an iceberg, the way to travel if you are a seal with a warm coat!
  • Kim Kenyon I enjoy watching seals on the ocean. Close to my home in Little Bay, NL, there is a large rock in the sea full of seals. My dad takes meKim Kenyon I enjoy watching seals on the ocean. Close to my home in Little Bay, NL, there is a large rock in the sea full of seals. My dad takes me there in boat.   More ...
  • Cora Lee Rennie While I am not able to see seals from my home (as that would be an indication of a substantive problem like tsunami) I work at anCora Lee Rennie While I am not able to see seals from my home (as that would be an indication of a substantive problem like tsunami) I work at an amazing location. My office overlooks a saltwater inlet called the Gorge with the tidal waters ebbing and flowing out of Victoria Harbour. While still an industrial area, over the decades get strives have been made to clean up the area. Now there are salmon in the supporting streams, the herring run, river otters, birds and harbour seals! On sunny afternoons, if all is quiet at the kayak rental dock, an entire family of harbour seals will be seen lounging on the dock. Their cigar shaped bodies basking in the sun. At this time of year there can be added cuteness as amongst all the larger bodies, one can see the small latest additions imitating their parents in their lounging style!  More ...
  • They are so cute. Great video.
  • Tourism Nicola Valley - Merritt BC thank you. This seal does look quite cute here - however it is important fir visitors to NL to remember never toTourism Nicola Valley - Merritt BC thank you. This seal does look quite cute here - however it is important fir visitors to NL to remember never to approach a wild animal in nature. While seals are cute to look at they will attack if threatened.   More ...
  • Cora Lee Rennie Very good advice!
  • Lori King
    They are so funny and cute! Easy to stay and watch them!
  • Lori King yes thus seal was set on not moving! He was just chilling and not worrying about us launching the boats at all!
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