Exploring Mary Lake in Ontario Canada
Exploring Mary Lake in Ontario Canda
Exploring Mary Lake in Huntsville, Ontario, is a Canadian outdoor adventure offering a variety of recreational experiences for all ages. This video features, boating enthusiasts, tubers, and wake-boarders navigating the pristine waters around Mary Lake in the Muskokas. This beautiful lake, just outside of Huntsville, Ontario, offers a picturesque shoreline of rocks and trees. For the thrill-seekers, cliff jumping is an exciting option, as several cliffs along the edge of Mary Lake provide the perfect opportunity for jumping into the water below. And as the day comes to a close, there's no better way to end the adventure than by witnessing a beautiful sunset over Mary Lake in Huntsville, Ontario, Canada.
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5 of 7
The pups fur just blowing in the wind! Love it. Great video!
Andrea Horning He was having a blast. Thanks!
Mary Lake looks amazing. The best part though is the puppy's ears and fur blowing around. The little boating pup looks so happy!
Janet Guthrie He loves the boat!. I knew I had to make sure that clip was included!
Lisa Muldoon our dogs love boat rides too. I'm glad you included it.
Janet Guthrie totally agree
I would love to learn to water ski - it looks like so much fun!
Looks like such a fun time! Reminds me of my childhood - wonder if I would be brave enough to jump off a cliff today?
Lisa, have you ever jumped off that cliff? Would you? I also enjoyed seeing your pup enjoy the boat.