Exploring the French River in Ontario Canada
Exploring the French River in Ontario Canada
Come explore the French River in Ontario, Canada with us! Join us as we paddle through winding waterways and enjoy the natural beauty of the French River and Georgian Bay in Ontario, Canada. Watch as we paddle together through rocky sections and watch for wildlife. Relax with us as we set up our tents and finish our day enjoying a campfire and watching the sun go down on the French River in Ontario, Canada.
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5 of 8
Beautiful video. It looks like a great time with friends and nature. My kind of adventure for sure!
Amy Rezek Thank-you. It was a great time!
Wow looks like a great adventure Lisa! You’re flat out all the time like we say here in Newfoundland and Labrador! Love it!
Thanks! I love your Newfoundland and Labrador sayings!
Great video and I love the perky little music playing.
Great paddle vid. I like that music. Do you have that file?