Kim Kenyon commented on this post about 1 month ago
Can not wait for camping season.
EH Canada : Support Right!?! Me too! When is your first trip booked?
Anja Cahill Good question. We boondock a lot with our motorhome. In many cases we do not book ahead and play it by ear. Yup. we are one of thoseAnja Cahill Good question. We boondock a lot with our motorhome. In many cases we do not book ahead and play it by ear. Yup. we are one of those people. More ...
This is such a great article to help people get into camping. I had never heard of Harvest Hosts, possibly because I don't own an RV, but IThis is such a great article to help people get into camping. I had never heard of Harvest Hosts, possibly because I don't own an RV, but I immediately fell in love with the idea, and most especially the Alpaca Adventures! More ...
Sonya Richmond - thanks Sonya! I'm hoping to try an Alpaca Adventure on of these days!
Great minds think alike!
Andrea Horning - Right! 'Tis the season! LOVED your article!
I really liked your hot tip: "Setting an alarm and having your coffee ready – don't get distracted and miss the booking site going live!
I was also keen to learn about the Tentik at Fundy National Park. Bay of Fundy is on the list.
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