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  •   Cary Horning commented on this post about 1 year ago
    Cary Horning created a new event

    Lethbridge Ribfest 2023 - Lethbridge Alberta Canada

    Lethbridge Ribfest 2023 is 3 days of fabulous BBQ and live entertainment from Friday, August 18th to Sunday, August 20th at the Enmax Centre, Lethbridge, Alberta.
    Bring the family and your friends for great RIBS a beer garden, a 50/50 draw, and a finger-licking good time.

    Lethbridge Ribfest 2023 is 3 days of fabulous BBQ and live entertainment from Friday, August 18th to Sunday, August 20th at the Enmax Centre, Lethbridge, Alberta.
    Bring the family and your friends for great RIBS a beer garden, a 50/50 draw, and a finger-licking good time.
    18th Aug, 2023 12:00PM
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