Cary Horning commented on this post about 1 year ago
I'm very fond of ribs. Lucky you folks in Alberta!
Diana Mohrsen Yes we sure are lucky as there are Ribfests in Calgary, Okotoks & Airdrie that are close enough to go to. It is great to try theDiana Mohrsen Yes we sure are lucky as there are Ribfests in Calgary, Okotoks & Airdrie that are close enough to go to. It is great to try the different Rib Sauces! More ...
What a booth display. How could you miss it?
EH Canada Marketing Group when they have 6-8 of them as big as this one in a row it is a pretty impressive setup. You can also taste-test eachEH Canada Marketing Group when they have 6-8 of them as big as this one in a row it is a pretty impressive setup. You can also taste-test each vendor's BBQ sauce, making deciding hard. They are all so good. More ...
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