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  •   Kim Kenyon commented on this post about 2 years ago
    Kim Kenyon created a new event

    Victoria Arts Council presents Little Gems Holiday Show & Sale

    On right now is the Victoria Arts Council 2022, Little Gems Holiday Show & Sale in Victoria, British Columbia.

    Support local artists and find unique gifts of original works of art and cards. It is Cash & Carry event with all works purchased going home with the purchaser at time of sale. Art wi...
    On right now is the Victoria Arts Council 2022, Little Gems Holiday Show & Sale in Victoria, British Columbia.

    Support local artists and find unique gifts of original works of art and cards. It is Cash & Carry event with all works purchased going home with the purchaser at time of sale. Art will be replenished throughout the exhibition.

    The gallery is open daily from 10 AM - 6 PM and admission to the gallery is by donation (suggested donation $2 to $20). The gallery is wheelchair accessible.

    The art for sale includes a number of mediums, oils, watercolors, acrylics, photography and even a unique form of printmaking called mezzotint. The styles include: First Nations motifs, landscapes, portraits, abstracts and scenes from the imagination and much, much more. The works are priced very reasonably and most range from $150 to $300. Even in the unlikely event you do not find anything you wish to purchase, browsing through the gallery is a very enjoyable experience and it is interesting to see the subjects' local artists are working on today.

    Contributing artists in Little Gems for this year include:
    Alison Bigg, Andrea Simmonds, Anne L McCarthy, Avis Rasmussen, Aviv Taya Dekel, Barbara Holland, Bonnie Helm-Northover, Carol Oliver, Catherine Fraser, Catherine Steele, Dave Skilling, David Martinello, Donald Rowe, Donna Law, Elizabeth Ashworth, Erica Mitchell, Flo-Elle Watson, Gary Chilibeck, Greg Robertson, Heather Keenan, Heather MacNeil, Heidi Bergstrom, Jane Coombe, Jane Francis, Joel Blaicher, John G. Boehme, Joshua Watts, Judy Taylor, Julia Serena Ready, Karen Hibbard, Kate Collie, Kathleen Schmalz, Kelly Langham, Kevin Harney, Laurel Rossnagel, Leroy Boris, Lisa-Scarlett Cruji, Lycia Trouton, Lydia Dagg, Lynne Raaflaub, M2 Creative -- Marianne Goodrich & Maurina Joaquin, Maija Ksander, Mara Szyp, Marianne Goodrich, Marylou Wakefield, Michael Morris, Michel Desrochers, Miles Hunter, Nicole Mandryk, Nikolay Mingaleev, Pat Martin Bates, Paul Yewchuk, Randie Feil, Regan Rasmussen, Rhonda Lee Usipiuk, Roberta Pyx Sutherland, Shelley M Hordiyuk, Stephanie Vandamme, Sue Hirst, Susan Salvati, Suzanne Underwood, Todd Lambeth, Val Hostetler, Victoria Edgarr, Wendy Thompson
    12th Dec, 2022 10:00AM
    • Victoria has such a large community of artists. This should be a great show/sale.
    • Diana Mohrsen Thanks Diana, I actually took a wander through the gallery prior to the donut review at Yonni's which was nearby and was pleasantlyDiana Mohrsen Thanks Diana, I actually took a wander through the gallery prior to the donut review at Yonni's which was nearby and was pleasantly surprised at both the number of works for sale and the very reasonable prices for framed original works. For example, there were some beautiful photographs of Long Beach, Tofino, which were very compelling.   More ...
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