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  •   Janel Coe commented on this post about 2 years ago
    Cary Horning created a new event

    Warkworth Lilac Festival

    Warkworth Lilac Festival
    The month-long festival is held in Warkworth, a unique rural and sophisticated town just 90 minutes east of Toronto – 30 minutes southeast of Peterborough – 50 minutes west of Kingston. This year the Festival features the ‘Avalanche’ double-white lilac, created in honor...
    Warkworth Lilac Festival
    The month-long festival is held in Warkworth, a unique rural and sophisticated town just 90 minutes east of Toronto – 30 minutes southeast of Peterborough – 50 minutes west of Kingston. This year the Festival features the ‘Avalanche’ double-white lilac, created in honor of the Queen’s 70th Jubilee.

    Opening festivities take place during the last weekend of May and are packed with activities for the entire family, as well as the gardener and the lilac enthusiast. The Festival showcases many rare and beautiful varieties of lilac to surprise and delight. With early, mid, and late blooming varieties that show their colors over a thirty to forty-day period on view you are certain to catch lilacs in bloom along our Millennium Lilac Trail any day during the Festival.
    28th May, 2022 9:00AM - America/Toronto
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