Honestly, the cocktail selection helped us pick which restaurant to go to, but it was the BOXER Burger that sealed the deal for me. I mean, how can you resist a good burger described like this - chuck and brisket patty, brioche bun, bacon onion...
Honestly, the cocktail selection helped us pick which restaurant to go to, but it was the BOXER Burger that sealed the deal for me. I mean, how can you resist a good burger described like this - chuck and brisket patty, brioche bun, bacon onion jam, mixed greens, house smoked cheddar, garlic aioli, tomato, bread & butter pickles? They also have gluten free option, and you can add bacon too. The suggested wine pairing is a glass of Andreas Bender Pinot Noir.
20 January 2024 ·   1 year ago taken in   10315 83 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6E 2C6, Canada
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