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Event Information
Event Title:
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Event Description:
The 2024 Ukrainian Pyrogy Christmas Bazaar is on Saturday, November 30th at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Get ready for all your holiday entertaining with incredible homemade Ukrainian food!

Frozen homemade Pyrogies, Cabbage Rolls, and Borscht.
Frozen Pyrogies (Potato & Cheese) - $10 per dozen
Frozen Cabbage Rolls (With meat) - $20 per dozen
Frozen Cabbage Rolls (Without meat) - $18 per dozen
Frozen Borscht (Ukrainian Beet Soup) - $12 per liter
Bake Sale & Christmas Gift Shop!
Homemade cookies, squares, cakes, pies, and much more!
2 pm to 5 pm Saturday, November 30th, 2024.

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