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The 2024 Stratford Winter Fest is on Saturday, January 27th in Upper Queens Park in Stratford, Ontario, Canada. Bring t...
The 2024 Stratford Winter Fest is on Saturday, January 27th in Upper Queens Park in Stratford, Ontario, Canada.
Bring the whole family for a fun day of events!
Scheduled Events at The 2024 Stratford Winter Fest
10:30 am - Birds of Prey Presentation with the Canadian Raptor Conservancy
11:00 am - The FireGuy Show & Ice Sculptor begins
Noon - Birds of Prey Presentation with the Canadian Raptor Conservancy
1:00 pm - The FireGuy Show
2:00 pm - Birds of Prey Presentation with the Canadian Raptor Conservancy
3:00 pm - The FireGuy Show
Enjoy the Food Trucks at the Festival and these fun events & presentations.
*Alpacas *Big Trucks
*Blacksmith Demos with John Walker from Fallen Willow Forge
*Children’s Area Games: Outdoor Bowling, Giant Soccer Ball
*Elementary School Snowmen Stroll
*Fire Pits *Hockey Shoot-out *Ice Blocks *Ice Sculptures *Mini Putt *Obstacle Course *“Ski” Races
*Small Animal Zoo *Snowshoes from the Stratford Perth Museum
*Snow slide
*Stratford Fire Department Presentation
*Stratford Police Services
*Stratford Public Library Scavenger Hunt
*Avon Co-op Play area
Dress warm, bring your toboggan and sleds and we will see you at the Stratford Winter Fest!
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    Stratford Winterfest 2024, Stratford, Ontario, Canada

    The 2024 Stratford Winter Fest is on Saturday, January 27th in Upper Queens Park in Stratford, Ontario, Canada.
    Bring the whole family for a fun day of events!
    Scheduled Events at The 2024 Stratford Winter Fest
    10:30 am - Birds of Prey Presentation with the Canadian Raptor Conservancy
    11:00 a...
    The 2024 Stratford Winter Fest is on Saturday, January 27th in Upper Queens Park in Stratford, Ontario, Canada.
    Bring the whole family for a fun day of events!
    Scheduled Events at The 2024 Stratford Winter Fest
    10:30 am - Birds of Prey Presentation with the Canadian Raptor Conservancy
    11:00 am - The FireGuy Show & Ice Sculptor begins
    Noon - Birds of Prey Presentation with the Canadian Raptor Conservancy
    1:00 pm - The FireGuy Show
    2:00 pm - Birds of Prey Presentation with the Canadian Raptor Conservancy
    3:00 pm - The FireGuy Show
    Enjoy the Food Trucks at the Festival and these fun events & presentations.
    *Alpacas *Big Trucks
    *Blacksmith Demos with John Walker from Fallen Willow Forge
    *Children’s Area Games: Outdoor Bowling, Giant Soccer Ball
    *Elementary School Snowmen Stroll
    *Fire Pits *Hockey Shoot-out *Ice Blocks *Ice Sculptures *Mini Putt *Obstacle Course *“Ski” Races
    *Small Animal Zoo *Snowshoes from the Stratford Perth Museum
    *Snow slide
    *Stratford Fire Department Presentation
    *Stratford Police Services
    *Stratford Public Library Scavenger Hunt
    *Avon Co-op Play area
    Dress warm, bring your toboggan and sleds and we will see you at the Stratford Winter Fest!
    27th Jan, 2024 - America/Toronto
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  • Cary Horning updated the cover picture of the event
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