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Diana Mohrsen commented on this post about 1 year ago
This looks really fascinating and educational.
Janel Coe I think it will be exciting, and there is something magical about seeing a river of birds streaming across the sky that never gets old.
This is a cool festival. There are so many birds.
Janet Guthrie Yes! This is definitely the time of year to see huge numbers of migrating birds - very exciting!
We get snow geese in the lower mainland but we don't get a festival. I think a festival is a great idea!
Diana Mohrsen I love bird and wildlife festivals because they are a great way to bring communities together, and to get local residents interested inDiana Mohrsen I love bird and wildlife festivals because they are a great way to bring communities together, and to get local residents interested in the wildlife they share their spaces with. Snow Geese really connect us, because they present an amazing spectacle during migration from coast to coast. More ...
Sonya Richmond I've been at Boundary Bay when flocks were landing - by the hundreds. Awesome!
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