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Janel Coe commented on this post about 1 year ago
I can think of a couple of people who would really enjoy this. I'll pass it on.
Diana Mohrsen awesome!
Although I am not a huge Anime fan, I've been to this event a few times and it is so much fun! There is so much creativity, from the art to theAlthough I am not a huge Anime fan, I've been to this event a few times and it is so much fun! There is so much creativity, from the art to the costumes to the storytelling workshops. It is a really nice group of people too! More ...
Sonya Richmond I agree! I went about 5 years ago. and had a great time. It was like being immersed in a sub-culture for a couple of days. I learned aSonya Richmond I agree! I went about 5 years ago. and had a great time. It was like being immersed in a sub-culture for a couple of days. I learned a lot. More ...
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