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From March 24 - 26, 2023, Yonge-Dundas Square will transform into an Indigenous music and art hub with some of the count...
From March 24 - 26, 2023, Yonge-Dundas Square will transform into an Indigenous music and art hub with some of the country’s most prominent and emerging Indigenous artists taking the stage for THREE straight days of free concerts.

Ziigwan, pronounced as (“SEE-gwon”) is the Anishnaabemowin word for springtime which celebrates the healing and learning power of music and art, the rebirth of spring, and the collective awakening as we walk together on the path toward reconciliation.

If you are looking for something to do with friends and families, or showing visitors around town, arts and music are always a way to make the mind wander.

Starting Friday, March 24 at 4:30PM (and throughout the weekend), vendors will be on-site serving up food, beadwork, clothing, books and more! Since Sunday is Family Day at Ziigwan, GoodMinds Indigenous Books will sell a variety of books catered to children and youth, and the Strong Water Singers will facilitate learning activities so children and families can engage in meaningful conversations about Indigenous cultures.

If you are looking for something to do with friends and families, or impressing visitors in town, arts and music are always a way to make your mind wander.
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    Ziigwan: an Indigenous Music and Arts Festival in Toronto, ON

    From March 24 - 26, 2023, Yonge-Dundas Square will transform into an Indigenous music and art hub with some of the country’s most prominent and emerging Indigenous artists taking the stage for THREE straight days of free concerts.

    Ziigwan, pronounced as (“SEE-gwon”) is the Anishnaabemowin wor...
    From March 24 - 26, 2023, Yonge-Dundas Square will transform into an Indigenous music and art hub with some of the country’s most prominent and emerging Indigenous artists taking the stage for THREE straight days of free concerts.

    Ziigwan, pronounced as (“SEE-gwon”) is the Anishnaabemowin word for springtime which celebrates the healing and learning power of music and art, the rebirth of spring, and the collective awakening as we walk together on the path toward reconciliation.

    If you are looking for something to do with friends and families, or showing visitors around town, arts and music are always a way to make the mind wander.

    Starting Friday, March 24 at 4:30PM (and throughout the weekend), vendors will be on-site serving up food, beadwork, clothing, books and more! Since Sunday is Family Day at Ziigwan, GoodMinds Indigenous Books will sell a variety of books catered to children and youth, and the Strong Water Singers will facilitate learning activities so children and families can engage in meaningful conversations about Indigenous cultures.

    If you are looking for something to do with friends and families, or impressing visitors in town, arts and music are always a way to make your mind wander.
    24th Mar, 2023 4:30PM - America/Toronto
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