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Join us for an evening cross-country ski through the beautiful forest and follow the lantern lit trail to the Pentagon H...
Join us for an evening cross-country ski through the beautiful forest and follow the lantern lit trail to the Pentagon Hut at the Nordic Centre in Panorama, British Columbia, Canada.

The Placer Trail will be lined with lanterns for visitors to enjoy a beautiful evening Nordic Ski all the way to the Pentagon Hut where you will be greeted by a toasty outdoor fire.

Bring a head lamp and a snack. All levels are welcome.

A trail ticket or pass is required to participate. Nordic ski rentals are available.

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  •   Diana Mohrsen commented on this post about 2 years ago
    Lisa Muldoon created a new event

    Lantern Ski in Panorama British Columbia

    Join us for an evening cross-country ski through the beautiful forest and follow the lantern lit trail to the Pentagon Hut at the Nordic Centre in Panorama, British Columbia, Canada.

    The Placer Trail will be lined with lanterns for visitors to enjoy a beautiful evening Nordic Ski all the way t...
    Join us for an evening cross-country ski through the beautiful forest and follow the lantern lit trail to the Pentagon Hut at the Nordic Centre in Panorama, British Columbia, Canada.

    The Placer Trail will be lined with lanterns for visitors to enjoy a beautiful evening Nordic Ski all the way to the Pentagon Hut where you will be greeted by a toasty outdoor fire.

    Bring a head lamp and a snack. All levels are welcome.

    A trail ticket or pass is required to participate. Nordic ski rentals are available.

    19th Feb, 2023 6:00PM - America/Edmonton
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