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Downtown Vernon Gold Rush 2023

The Downtown Vernon Goldrush is back for Vernon Winter Carnival! Last year this event won the Winter Carnival award for...
The Downtown Vernon Goldrush is back for Vernon Winter Carnival!
Last year this event won the Winter Carnival award for the best outdoor event!
A revised (easier than last year) clue package can be picked up from the Vernon Winter Carnival Office; take your family on a downtown scavenger hunt, and look for the answer to clues (all answers are within Downtown Vernon).
You could win an actual Gold Nugget and many other prizes yet to be announced.

Part of a past question: There is no charge to be here on “Sitting” days (Saturday) with your expensive family member (your car, at the Parkade).
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  •   Janel Coe commented on this post about 2 years ago
    Samantha Sewell created a new event

    Downtown Vernon Gold Rush 2023

    The Downtown Vernon Goldrush is back for Vernon Winter Carnival!
    Last year this event won the Winter Carnival award for the best outdoor event!
    A revised (easier than last year) clue package can be picked up from the Vernon Winter Carnival Office; take your family on a downtown scavenger hunt, a...
    The Downtown Vernon Goldrush is back for Vernon Winter Carnival!
    Last year this event won the Winter Carnival award for the best outdoor event!
    A revised (easier than last year) clue package can be picked up from the Vernon Winter Carnival Office; take your family on a downtown scavenger hunt, and look for the answer to clues (all answers are within Downtown Vernon).
    You could win an actual Gold Nugget and many other prizes yet to be announced.

    Part of a past question: There is no charge to be here on “Sitting” days (Saturday) with your expensive family member (your car, at the Parkade).
    12th Nov, 2022 11:00AM - America/Dawson_Creek
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  • Samantha Sewell updated the picture of the event
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  • Samantha Sewell updated the cover picture of the event
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