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Welcome to the Alberta Beach Farmers' Market. We are an Approved Alberta Farmers' Market and are sponsored by the Albert...
Welcome to the Alberta Beach Farmers' Market. We are an Approved Alberta Farmers' Market and are sponsored by the Alberta Beach Ag Society. Our market started in 1974 and is one of Alberta's longest running indoor/outdoor Farmers' Markets.

The regular season runs every Sunday 11:30am to 3pm from the beginning of May thru to September 11 at the Alberta Beach Agliplex. We also hold a Christmas Market the first Sunday in December.
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    Alberta Beach Farmers' Market 2022

    Welcome to the Alberta Beach Farmers' Market. We are an Approved Alberta Farmers' Market and are sponsored by the Alberta Beach Ag Society. Our market started in 1974 and is one of Alberta's longest running indoor/outdoor Farmers' Markets.

    The regular season runs every Sunday 11:30am to 3pm f...
    Welcome to the Alberta Beach Farmers' Market. We are an Approved Alberta Farmers' Market and are sponsored by the Alberta Beach Ag Society. Our market started in 1974 and is one of Alberta's longest running indoor/outdoor Farmers' Markets.

    The regular season runs every Sunday 11:30am to 3pm from the beginning of May thru to September 11 at the Alberta Beach Agliplex. We also hold a Christmas Market the first Sunday in December.
    26th Jun, 2022 11:30AM - America/Edmonton
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