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Wild Horses in Alberta Canada 2024

By Andrea Horning in Alberta 627 views 25th Jun, 2024 Video Duration: N/A   AB-584, James River Bridge, AB T0M 1C0, Canada

Wild Horses in Alberta Canada


Did you know Alberta has wild horses? They roam freely in the eastern slopes of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Most notably, west of Sundre into the public land use zones. 

They are pretty used to cars and humans being nearby, some troops more than others. You'll often see them hanging out on, or just beside, the dirt roads.

Spring and early summer mean baby horses! I spotted a large number of young foals in various different herds while exploring around the Bearberry to Ya Ha Tinda backcountry roads.

Please keep in mind these are wild animals. Keep your distance, do not try to pet them or feed them. 

If you're looking for somewhere to stay in that area, with a high chance of seeing them right from your campsite or cabin, check out Bearberry Cabins!

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  • You saw so many wild horses! We have only ever seen a few at a time.
  • Janet Guthrie I just spent 10 days up there wandering around. I couldn't believe how many I saw compared to my last trip. Different areas though. AndJanet Guthrie I just spent 10 days up there wandering around. I couldn't believe how many I saw compared to my last trip. Different areas though. And there were plenty more that I either didn't pull my camera out for, or they moved too fast. There was a gorgeous black one I tried to snap a picture of a couple times. But he's a fast one haha   More ...
  • Andrea Horning A real life Black Beauty, eh? Sounds like a amazing trip.
  • We have a herd of wild horses here in Merritt. Scare the %^&$^ out of me a few times while riding some trails.
  • EH Canada Marketing Group Haha I bet! I was wondering what that sound was as they headed towards our campsite all together really fast Then justEH Canada Marketing Group Haha I bet! I was wondering what that sound was as they headed towards our campsite all together really fast Then just hoped they didn't run us over   More ...
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