Wood ducks at the Reifel Bird Sanctuary in Delta British Columbia
There are always plenty of birds to see when I visit the George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary in Delta BC. I've seen wood ducks often but they are usually on the water and I've never had one come up to get food like the ducks and Canada Geese do. Today was a surprise as three of them were on the railing and happy to be fed. I love their markings.
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Wood Ducks are some of my favourites - they are so colourful. The Reifel Bird Sanctuary looks like such a fantastic place to visit for birdwatching,Wood Ducks are some of my favourites - they are so colourful. The Reifel Bird Sanctuary looks like such a fantastic place to visit for birdwatching, and fall migration is the perfect time of year! More ...
Sonya Richmond I'm waiting for the snow geese to return in the thousands.
I used to live on Wood Duck Drive
Cute duckies
Andrea Horning Wood Duck Drive! Love it! They have such unique markings.
Everyone loves Wood Ducks.
EH Canada Marketing Group Sure do!
The Wood ducks photobombed by Canada Geese of course!
Kim Kenyon Can't control Canada Geese, lol.