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Yellowknife Adventure: Exploring Arctic Wonders and Urban Treasures

By Diana Johnson-Santos in Northwest Territories 659 views 28th Mar, 2024 Video Duration: N/A   Yellowknife, NT X0E, Canada

Welcome to our adventure in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories!

In this video, we take you on a tour of this vibrant community; starting from the Yellowknife airport to iconic landmarks like the Welcome to Yellowknife sign and Bristol Monument. Explore the Yellowknife Visitor Centre and indulge in the famous Bannock 'N Egger at Birchwood Coffee Kǫ̀. Keep an eye out for the playful arctic fox, immerse yourself in the cultural hub of Somba K'e Civic Plaza, and see the stunning murals showcasing the town's rich heritage.

Join us as we uncover the beauty of Yellowknife!

  • Bannock'N Egger YUM and it looked like there was a nut soup on the lunch menu, which I was curious about, although I may have misread that, (I scopedBannock'N Egger YUM and it looked like there was a nut soup on the lunch menu, which I was curious about, although I may have misread that, (I scoped out all the menus!). Fun to see the playful foxes, the differences between the airports and the highlights around the city. What a fantastic adventure!  More ...
  • Kim Kenyon It was such a fun visit - glad I get to share it here.
  • I love the little foxes And those murals are so beautifully done. Great video!
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