Kim Kenyon commented on this post about 1 year ago
I always look forward to the Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour! Thanks for posting this!
We have really enjoyed the Banff Film Festival in past years. We usually attend when they bring a selection of the films on tour in Ontario!
I had tickets for the Banff Film Festival tomorrow but unfortunately was unable to make it! Would be an awesome event!
Cora Lee Rennie oh too bad you couldn't go! Looks amazing!
Cary Horning I know! Im sad but hopefully next year - maybe I’ll even be able to have my own film featured some day! Dreams do come true!
Cora Lee Rennie Absolutely!
Cora Lee Rennie I'm cheering for you! Yes, to your own Banff Film!
Stop by the banff spring hotel, its always a MUST stop for me!!
Samantha Sewell love it there!!!!
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