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  •   Diana Mohrsen reacted to this post about 2 years ago
    Cary Horning created a new event

    Canad Inns Winter Wonderland, Winnipeg, Manitoba

    Experience Manitoba’s largest drive-thru light show at the Red River Exhibition Park in Winnipeg. Take the dazzling 2.5-kilometer driving route in the comfort and warmth of your own vehicle.
    Get even more in the holiday spirit and tune your radio to 101.1 FM for exclusive holiday music.
    Lots of...
    Experience Manitoba’s largest drive-thru light show at the Red River Exhibition Park in Winnipeg. Take the dazzling 2.5-kilometer driving route in the comfort and warmth of your own vehicle.
    Get even more in the holiday spirit and tune your radio to 101.1 FM for exclusive holiday music.
    Lots of great photo opportunities along the route as well as several Food Trucks and of course Hot Chocolate and Mini Donuts.
    Open daily from 6 to 10 p.m., closed Christmas Day.
    Save money by buying your $15 vehicle ticket in advance at www.redriverex.com

    Tickets at the gate are $20 (cash is accepted)
    2nd Dec, 2022 6:00PM - America/Winnipeg
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