The Castle Mountain Lookout trailhead is easy to find as it is well marked. Heading West on the Bow Valley Parkway from the Castle Mountain Resort the trailhead is 5km up the road on the right-hand side just after the internment camp memorial.

The Castle Mountain Lookout trailhead is easy to find as it is well marked. Heading West on the Bow Valley Parkway from the Castle Mountain Resort the trailhead is 5km up the road on the right-hand side just after the internment camp memorial.

Castle Mountain Lookout is a short hike of about 7.72km round trip. Parks Canada rates this hike a being moderately challenging. Although there are no technical sections, I suspect opinions vary about the trail’s difficulty level depending on your feelings about steady up and downhills. The first two km of the trail follows an old road through the forest. The trail is wide in this section.
8 June 2024 ·   8 months ago taken in   Bow Valley Pkwy, Improvement District No. 9, AB T0L, Canada
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