The bear situation in this area must be quite serious. This is the first time that I have stayed in a campground that was enclosed by an electric fence. It made it feel like we were the animals in the zoo and I half expected to see a bear family...
The bear situation in this area must be quite serious. This is the first time that I have stayed in a campground that was enclosed by an electric fence. It made it feel like we were the animals in the zoo and I half expected to see a bear family watching all the humans camping. Interestingly, the Hard-Sided RV campground on other side of river was not enclosed by a fence. That campground has 189 sites, all the same stuff as the soft-sided campground plus electricity. The Bow River Trail Loop is outside the fence so be sure to cross at the people gates and not over the electrified cattle guard.
17 July 2023 ยท   1 year ago taken in   Lake Louise Soft-Sided Trailer/Tent Campground, Fairview Rd, Lake Louise, AB T0L, Canada
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