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The 2024 Cathedral Village Arts Festival is from Monday, May 20th to Saturday, May 25th in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada....
The 2024 Cathedral Village Arts Festival is from Monday, May 20th to Saturday, May 25th in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Get ready for one of Regina's largest festivals!
Over 40,000 people each year attend this incredible week-long event.
There will be many arts-related events, beginning with the parade and picnic in the park, and culminating on Saturday with the very popular 13th Avenue Street Fair.
Tell your friends and see you at the 2024 Cathedral Village Arts Festival!
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    Cathedral Village Arts Festival 2024 - Regina Saskatchewan Canada

    The 2024 Cathedral Village Arts Festival is from Monday, May 20th to Saturday, May 25th in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.
    Get ready for one of Regina's largest festivals!
    Over 40,000 people each year attend this incredible week-long event.
    There will be many arts-related events, beginning with ...
    The 2024 Cathedral Village Arts Festival is from Monday, May 20th to Saturday, May 25th in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.
    Get ready for one of Regina's largest festivals!
    Over 40,000 people each year attend this incredible week-long event.
    There will be many arts-related events, beginning with the parade and picnic in the park, and culminating on Saturday with the very popular 13th Avenue Street Fair.
    Tell your friends and see you at the 2024 Cathedral Village Arts Festival!
    20th May, 2024 10:00AM - America/Regina
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