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Fun Philippines in Toronto, Ontario is an event open to the public that celebrates Filipino culture through food, entert...
Fun Philippines in Toronto, Ontario is an event open to the public that celebrates Filipino culture through food, entertainment, and massive gatherings.

Fun Philippines aims to spread cultural education through fun programs and installations. There will be fun and exciting activities at the event that will engage attendees and keep them entertained throughout the festival. The event will feature more than just food stands. This event benefits the community, Ontario as a whole, and the country's efforts to revitalize its economy.

We invite you to join us for this special event and make the most of your weekend by learning about different foods and cultural traditions.
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    Janel Coe created a new event

    Fun Philippines Street Festival 2023 in Toronto, Ontario

    Fun Philippines in Toronto, Ontario is an event open to the public that celebrates Filipino culture through food, entertainment, and massive gatherings.

    Fun Philippines aims to spread cultural education through fun programs and installations. There will be fun and exciting activities at the ...
    Fun Philippines in Toronto, Ontario is an event open to the public that celebrates Filipino culture through food, entertainment, and massive gatherings.

    Fun Philippines aims to spread cultural education through fun programs and installations. There will be fun and exciting activities at the event that will engage attendees and keep them entertained throughout the festival. The event will feature more than just food stands. This event benefits the community, Ontario as a whole, and the country's efforts to revitalize its economy.

    We invite you to join us for this special event and make the most of your weekend by learning about different foods and cultural traditions.
    22nd Jul, 2023 9:00AM - America/Toronto
    • I have a Filipino friend and love their food.
    • Diana Mohrsen I'm also a big fan of Filipino food...there's a large Filipino community in North Toronto (where the festival is taking place). ThereDiana Mohrsen I'm also a big fan of Filipino food...there's a large Filipino community in North Toronto (where the festival is taking place). There are lots of great choices to choose from, for sure!  More ...
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