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The Word On The Street is a national celebration of literacy and Canadian writing. Every year we host hundreds of author...
The Word On The Street is a national celebration of literacy and Canadian writing. Every year we host hundreds of author readings for visitors of all ages and a vibrant marketplace featuring the best selection of books and magazines in Canada.

Since its inception, WOTS has grown from a fledgling festival of 40,000 booklovers to become Canada’s largest annual book and magazine festival: a weekend-long bookworm bonanza, attracting more than 200,000 visitors each year.

Join us (for free!) as we celebrate the stories that connect us.
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    Janel Coe created a new event

    The Word on the Street Toronto Book & Magazine Festival in Ontario, Canada

    The Word On The Street is a national celebration of literacy and Canadian writing. Every year we host hundreds of author readings for visitors of all ages and a vibrant marketplace featuring the best selection of books and magazines in Canada.

    Since its inception, WOTS has grown from a fledgl...
    The Word On The Street is a national celebration of literacy and Canadian writing. Every year we host hundreds of author readings for visitors of all ages and a vibrant marketplace featuring the best selection of books and magazines in Canada.

    Since its inception, WOTS has grown from a fledgling festival of 40,000 booklovers to become Canada’s largest annual book and magazine festival: a weekend-long bookworm bonanza, attracting more than 200,000 visitors each year.

    Join us (for free!) as we celebrate the stories that connect us.
    27th May, 2023 11:00AM - America/Toronto
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