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Nicola Valley Bigfoot Conference event on May 13, Lower Nicola Indian Band Shulus Arena. Doors open at 8am. Admission $3...
Nicola Valley Bigfoot Conference event on May 13, Lower Nicola Indian Band Shulus Arena. Doors open at 8am. Admission $30, pre-order available - contact squewezance@gmail.com. Exciting first time event to be held in Merritt BC, the Nicola Valley Bigfoot Conference hosted by Sheldon Quewezance. Featuring well renowned guest speakers from the bigfoot community during the day. Blaine McMillen, author "Wood Knockers & Tossed Rocks" Alex Solunac, cryptozoologist researcher. Leon Thompson, Sasquatch historian, and Jason Zakrisson, "Living with Sasquatch." Along with Judy Carrol who is a Sasquatch communicator. Nicola Valley Bigfoot Conference in Merritt BC.
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    Nicola Valley Bigfoot Conference Merritt BC

    Nicola Valley Bigfoot Conference event on May 13, Lower Nicola Indian Band Shulus Arena. Doors open at 8am. Admission $30, pre-order available - contact squewezance@gmail.com. Exciting first time event to be held in Merritt BC, the Nicola Valley Bigfoot Conference hosted by Sheldon Quewezance. ...
    Nicola Valley Bigfoot Conference event on May 13, Lower Nicola Indian Band Shulus Arena. Doors open at 8am. Admission $30, pre-order available - contact squewezance@gmail.com. Exciting first time event to be held in Merritt BC, the Nicola Valley Bigfoot Conference hosted by Sheldon Quewezance. Featuring well renowned guest speakers from the bigfoot community during the day. Blaine McMillen, author "Wood Knockers & Tossed Rocks" Alex Solunac, cryptozoologist researcher. Leon Thompson, Sasquatch historian, and Jason Zakrisson, "Living with Sasquatch." Along with Judy Carrol who is a Sasquatch communicator. Nicola Valley Bigfoot Conference in Merritt BC.
    13th May, 2023
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