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VWC Balloon Glow

Another Vernon Winter Carnival Classic, the Balloon Glow, has returned to Polson Park! Come and see the hot air balloo...
Another Vernon Winter Carnival Classic, the Balloon Glow, has returned to Polson Park!
Come and see the hot air balloons that are all over the skis during Carnival up close, feel the heat of the flames, and see the true size of the balloons! (Even get pictures with the balloons)!
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    VWC Balloon Glow

    Another Vernon Winter Carnival Classic, the Balloon Glow, has returned to Polson Park!
    Come and see the hot air balloons that are all over the skis during Carnival up close, feel the heat of the flames, and see the true size of the balloons! (Even get pictures with the balloons)!
    27th Nov, 2022 3:00PM - America/Dawson_Creek
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