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One of the favorite events at Vernon Winter Carnival the BC Snow Sculpture Competition! This event is always exciting to...
One of the favorite events at Vernon Winter Carnival the BC Snow Sculpture Competition! This event is always exciting to watch; the artists must create a snow sculpture out of a cube of snow supplied to them based on the Winter Carnivals theme; this year, the theme is "T.V.". The teams use NO POWER tools, and work day and night to finish their creating by the 5th!
Head up to the mountain on the 5th and vote for the people's choice award between 10-12 pm on Sunday, February 5th, awards are announced at 12 pm on Sunday with an awards ceremony!
In past years the winner has gone to represent BC at the Canadian competition in Quebec, I am unsure if that will be the same this year.
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  •   EH Canada Marketing Group commented on this post about 2 years ago
    Samantha Sewell created a new event

    The BC Snow Sculpture Competiton 2023

    One of the favorite events at Vernon Winter Carnival the BC Snow Sculpture Competition! This event is always exciting to watch; the artists must create a snow sculpture out of a cube of snow supplied to them based on the Winter Carnivals theme; this year, the theme is "T.V.". The teams use NO POWE...
    One of the favorite events at Vernon Winter Carnival the BC Snow Sculpture Competition! This event is always exciting to watch; the artists must create a snow sculpture out of a cube of snow supplied to them based on the Winter Carnivals theme; this year, the theme is "T.V.". The teams use NO POWER tools, and work day and night to finish their creating by the 5th!
    Head up to the mountain on the 5th and vote for the people's choice award between 10-12 pm on Sunday, February 5th, awards are announced at 12 pm on Sunday with an awards ceremony!
    In past years the winner has gone to represent BC at the Canadian competition in Quebec, I am unsure if that will be the same this year.
    3rd Feb, 2023 - America/Dawson_Creek
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