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The 65th Annual Grimsby, Ontario Santa Clause Parade will delight both young and old as it travels along Main Street on ...
The 65th Annual Grimsby, Ontario Santa Clause Parade will delight both young and old as it travels along Main Street on Saturday, December 3rd, 2022.
Twinkling lights will adorn the creative floats for this twilight parade and musical bands will set the mood and clowns making kids smile while they wait for none other than Santa himself.
Don't miss this fabulous small-town Santa Parade!
Bundle up and we'll see you there.
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  •   Diana Mohrsen commented on this post about 1 year ago
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    Grimsby Santa Clause Parade, Grimsby, Ontario

    The 65th Annual Grimsby, Ontario Santa Clause Parade will delight both young and old as it travels along Main Street on Saturday, December 3rd, 2022.
    Twinkling lights will adorn the creative floats for this twilight parade and musical bands will set the mood and clowns making kids smile while th...
    The 65th Annual Grimsby, Ontario Santa Clause Parade will delight both young and old as it travels along Main Street on Saturday, December 3rd, 2022.
    Twinkling lights will adorn the creative floats for this twilight parade and musical bands will set the mood and clowns making kids smile while they wait for none other than Santa himself.
    Don't miss this fabulous small-town Santa Parade!
    Bundle up and we'll see you there.
    3rd Dec, 2022 5:15PM - America/Toronto
    • Nothing compares to a small-town Santa Parade! See all your friends and neighbours there.
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