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Kelly Francois commented on this post about 2 years agoSee previous comments ...5 of 6
Downtown Niagara is such a treat with its cute store fronts. Now lit by candles. There is a small cafe on main street with a patio. That would beDowntown Niagara is such a treat with its cute store fronts. Now lit by candles. There is a small cafe on main street with a patio. That would be ideal in my toque and scarf. More ...
EH Canada Marketing Group It really is a cute little town. A great place for a stroll!
Beautiful. I am imagining it now!
This image has gripped my imagination. How I wish I was able to experience it. Perhaps some year in the future.
It is a yearly event that happens on the first Friday of December, so you can put it in the calendar for next year!
Lisa Muldoon Perhaps! The calendar is still open at this point.
I wish I had know this. I was in NOTL earlier that week for a couple of days. It's on my calendar for next year!
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