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The holiday season kicks off in Toronto with The Cavalcade of Lights at the Nathan Phillips Square, one of the favorite ...
The holiday season kicks off in Toronto with The Cavalcade of Lights at the Nathan Phillips Square, one of the favorite local traditions. Thousands of people gather to see the lighting of Toronto’s official Christmas Tree, listen to live music and skate on the illuminated rink. The evening ends with a spectacular firework display.
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    Toronto Calvacade of Lights

    The holiday season kicks off in Toronto with The Cavalcade of Lights at the Nathan Phillips Square, one of the favorite local traditions. Thousands of people gather to see the lighting of Toronto’s official Christmas Tree, listen to live music and skate on the illuminated rink. The evening ends w...
    The holiday season kicks off in Toronto with The Cavalcade of Lights at the Nathan Phillips Square, one of the favorite local traditions. Thousands of people gather to see the lighting of Toronto’s official Christmas Tree, listen to live music and skate on the illuminated rink. The evening ends with a spectacular firework display.
    26th Nov, 2022 6:00PM - America/Toronto
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