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Elated to make its official 3-Day return to Ontario Place, West Island on August 12-14, 2022; the 13th Annual Waterfront...
Elated to make its official 3-Day return to Ontario Place, West Island on August 12-14, 2022; the 13th Annual Waterfront Night Market is an exciting culinary experience, bringing attendees a unique rediscovery of North America's urban Asian culture. Designed to emulate the traditional street-styled night markets of Asia; anchored by the Signature Pan-Asian Food Festival and featuring a Beer Craft Festival, and Illuminasian Lantern & Cultural Showcase. To purchase tickets, click here: https://www.waterfrontnightmarket.com/
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  •   Sonya Richmond commented on this post about 1 year ago
    Janel Coe created a new event

    Waterfront Night Market

    Elated to make its official 3-Day return to Ontario Place, West Island on August 12-14, 2022; the 13th Annual Waterfront Night Market is an exciting culinary experience, bringing attendees a unique rediscovery of North America's urban Asian culture. Designed to emulate the traditional street-styled n...
    Elated to make its official 3-Day return to Ontario Place, West Island on August 12-14, 2022; the 13th Annual Waterfront Night Market is an exciting culinary experience, bringing attendees a unique rediscovery of North America's urban Asian culture. Designed to emulate the traditional street-styled night markets of Asia; anchored by the Signature Pan-Asian Food Festival and featuring a Beer Craft Festival, and Illuminasian Lantern & Cultural Showcase. To purchase tickets, click here: https://www.waterfrontnightmarket.com/
    12th Aug, 2022 4:00PM - America/Toronto
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