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Habari Africa festival is a multi-disciplinary music and arts festival that displays the rich and diverse cultures of Af...
Habari Africa festival is a multi-disciplinary music and arts festival that displays the rich and diverse cultures of Africa. Join us for a weekend of exploration and engagement with the art and sounds of the continent through presentations that celebrate the uniqueness, wealth and diversity of African music, dance, film and arts.
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    Habari African Festival 2022

    Habari Africa festival is a multi-disciplinary music and arts festival that displays the rich and diverse cultures of Africa. Join us for a weekend of exploration and engagement with the art and sounds of the continent through presentations that celebrate the uniqueness, wealth and diversity of A...
    Habari Africa festival is a multi-disciplinary music and arts festival that displays the rich and diverse cultures of Africa. Join us for a weekend of exploration and engagement with the art and sounds of the continent through presentations that celebrate the uniqueness, wealth and diversity of African music, dance, film and arts.
    5th Aug, 2022 6:00PM - America/Toronto
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