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The Bracebridge Fire and Ice Festival is a festival in the Downtown core of Bracebridge, launched in 2016. The event run...
The Bracebridge Fire and Ice Festival is a festival in the Downtown core of Bracebridge, launched in 2016. The event runs the last Saturday in January each year from 9 am to 6 pm. The festival will offer a unique approach to a traditional winter carnival.
Its "FIRE" features include fire artists and fire pits throughout the Downtown, "ICE" features include interactive ice displays, skating trail that is located in the Winter Village at Memorial Park. In addition, there will be "try-it-out" activities, live entertainment, and traditional carnival activities to complement the event. Furthermore, the restaurants will also offer Fire-and-Ice themed menu items that will entice visitors. This is a Ticketed event. Free for kids 5 and under.
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  •   Sarah Stewart commented on this post about 2 years ago
    Cary Horning created a new event

    Fire & Ice Festival - Bracebridge

    The Bracebridge Fire and Ice Festival is a festival in the Downtown core of Bracebridge, launched in 2016. The event runs the last Saturday in January each year from 9 am to 6 pm. The festival will offer a unique approach to a traditional winter carnival.
    Its "FIRE" features include fire artists...
    The Bracebridge Fire and Ice Festival is a festival in the Downtown core of Bracebridge, launched in 2016. The event runs the last Saturday in January each year from 9 am to 6 pm. The festival will offer a unique approach to a traditional winter carnival.
    Its "FIRE" features include fire artists and fire pits throughout the Downtown, "ICE" features include interactive ice displays, skating trail that is located in the Winter Village at Memorial Park. In addition, there will be "try-it-out" activities, live entertainment, and traditional carnival activities to complement the event. Furthermore, the restaurants will also offer Fire-and-Ice themed menu items that will entice visitors. This is a Ticketed event. Free for kids 5 and under.
    29th Jan, 2022 12:00AM - America/Toronto
    • Sarah Stewart
      Ooooh! This looks so cool!
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