Fun Times with Family and Friends at Elkwater Lake, Alberta, Canada
An awesome weekend on Elkwater Lake in Cypress County Alberta. Fishing, biking, camping, the opportunities for an adventure are endless around here!
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So sweet! Love the littlest adventure seeker. She melts my heart!
Cora Lee Rennie Aww thank you. She's a sweetie
Love the little adventure seeker!! Looks like a wonderful time!
Rene Coatta I can’t get enough of her! Sweetheart!
Rene Coatta Thanks
She's so fun
You've put together this video so nicely!
Diana Mohrsen Thank you very much
What is the age requirement for becoming an adventure seeker. lol So adorable little adventure seekers. Great video Andrea.
Tania Stewart Haha right!? Anyone can be an adventure seeker! Thanks