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Bighorn sheep in the Jasper National Park in Alberta Canada

When driving through the Jasper National Park on the road to Hinton Alberta, there are several locations where you might see bighorn sheep if you're lucky. They like to climb on rugged mountain terrain, then come down to cross the road for a drink. If you have the time to stop and enjoy their antics, it is really a road trip treat. Speed zones in the area are lower helping to keep the animals safe. 

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  • The entire time we were walking across Alberta and BC I kept a lookout for Bighorn Sheep. I was starting to think they weren't real, until weThe entire time we were walking across Alberta and BC I kept a lookout for Bighorn Sheep. I was starting to think they weren't real, until we finally spotted some in the Gilpin Grasslands Provincial Park near Grand Forks, BC. You are so lucky to have a such a close-up view!  More ...
  • Sonya Richmond I'm laughing because it took me two days of driving around the area to finally see them. Seeing wildlife is a highlight for me of anySonya Richmond I'm laughing because it took me two days of driving around the area to finally see them. Seeing wildlife is a highlight for me of any road trip.
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  • I love wildlife sightings! Bighorn sheep are amazing animals! I seen one scale a very steep cliff in Banff once and they make it look so easy!
  • I know! How do they do it? It's similar to a cat leaping onto a railing and walking along as confident as can be. The railing on our deck is 15 ftI know! How do they do it? It's similar to a cat leaping onto a railing and walking along as confident as can be. The railing on our deck is 15 ft above the ground.   More ...
  • Diana Mohrsen hahaha it was amazing to see! We don’t have any of those bighorn sheep here in NL - just the woolly ones for knitting socks and mitts!
  • Cora Lee Rennie I'd even be happy to see one of those sheep!
  • I always love seeing wildlife and Jasper is one of the best places for it.
  • Janet Guthrie Viewing wildlife is special. And, yes, Jasper is one of the places where you can almost count on seeing animals.
  • Glad you got to see the bighorn sheep and capture the video Diana. Also, love the backdrop of those snowy mountains.
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