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Wild Horses of Sundre, Alberta, Canada

By Cary Horning in Alberta 895 views 25th Aug, 2024 Video Duration: N/A   Sundre, AB, Canada
Wild Horses of Sundre, Alberta, Canada have been roaming free for over two and a half centuries. Known as the Wildies, they are sturdy animals who roam the forests, bogs, and grasslands in close-knit family bands.It was an extremely hot day as we ventured around Sundre but it was not long until we spotted a band in the shade at the edge of the forest. They also love to hang out along the river edge where they cool off and get a drink.There are lots of wild horses in this area and they have a guardian angel looking after their well-being and that is the Alberta Wildies Society. If you see a wild horse hurt or in need of help, contact the society and their incredible team will do everything possible to help or save a wild horse. Explore the backroads around Sundre, Alberta and you are sure to see some beautiful wild horses.

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