Canmore, Alberta, Canada
Kananaskis Canmore, Alberta, Canada Travel & Adventure Guide
In the heart of the Rocky Mountains
Canmore, AB, Canada is located in the heart of the Rocky Mountains and Bow Valley in what is called Kananaskis Country. The village rests on the shores of the Bow River and surrounding by such mountains as Mount Lady Macdonald and the Three Sisters.
Activities, Adventures and Things To Do in Canmore, Alberta
Activities most enjoyed in the Village of Canmore and surrounding areas include mountain biking, hiking, wildlife watching, rock climbing, mountaineering, golfing, backpacking, canoeing, kayaking, caving, fishing, flightseeing, and ice climbing, downhill skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, snowmobiling, and xc skiing.
Parks, Trails and Places of Interest to explore in Canmore, Alberta
A few of the more popular activity and sightseeing destinations in the region includes the Bow River, Ha Ling Peak, Banff National Park, Grassi Lakes, Galatea Trail, Quarry Lake, Mount Yamnuska Trail aka Mount John Laurie, Highline Trail, Elk Pass Trail, Cat Creek Trail, Grotto Canyon, Peter Lougheed Provincial Park, Mount Black Prince Trail, Highwood and Cataract Creek, Rock Glacier Trail and the Spray Valley Provincial Park.
Canmore, Alberta, Attractions, Historical Sites, Culture
Some of the attractions, museums and cultural venues in Canmore, Alberta and the surrounding regions includes Canmore's "Main Street", Canmore Museum and Geoscience Centre, NWMP Historic Barracks, and Elevation Place.
Accommodations, Services and Amenities in Canmore, Alberta, Canada
Services important in and around the community of Canmore include accommodations (Hotel, motel, inn, vacation homes, resorts, cabins, cottages, bed and breakfast, suites, hostel), tours, guides, campground, pubs, brewery, gift stores, restaurants, cafes, gas stations, grocery store, liquor store, gift shops, cell service, internet, banks and transportation services including taxi services.