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Bonavista Lighthouse, Bonavista, Newfoundland, Canada

Bonavista Lighthouse, Bonavista, Newfoundland, Canada

The Bonavista Lighthouse was built in 1843. The lighthouse in Bonavista was home to a light keeper and their family for many generations. It is one of the few worldwide that still allows visitors to climb all the way to the top of the tower and see the lamps and reflectors, along with the clockwork mechanism that kept them turning.

The lighthouse is open to tourists in the spring and summer for a small fee and allows visitors to see how the light keeper's family lived in the 1870's. 

This popular destination is a great location to see icebergs, whales and the towering cliffs around the Bonavista Peninsula. In July and August visitors may also see puffins who nest nearby each summer. 

The lighthouse grounds are accessible with free public parking and paved areas mixed with gravel paths. The inside of the lighthouse requires walking up the staircases to tour. 

This lighthouse is home to a seal oil fueled catoptric light apparatus that was purchased by Newfoundland from Scotland. This light was originally used at the Harbour Grace Island Lighthouse and the Cape Pine Lighthouse before being moved to Bonavista. This light was used to aid mariners until 1962. At that time it was replaced by an electric light in nearby tower. 

The lightkeeper at Bonavista was originally Jeremiah White who immigrated from Ireland to Newfoundland in the mid 1800s. The last lightkeeper was Bonavista native Hubert Abbott, who served until 1960.

This popular tourist destination is a great location for a picnic or a hike in any weather. It is a top location for anyone who visits Newfoundland and an important part of history. 

Adventures and Activities in Newfoundland Canada




  • Love it! I haven’t been inside the Bonavista Lighthouse before! But I have read up on the historic of the structure and the antique light at the top!Love it! I haven’t been inside the Bonavista Lighthouse before! But I have read up on the historic of the structure and the antique light at the top!   More ...
  • Cora Lee Rennie It was so interesting to go up and see it, but those stairs were "wee" and straight up. I also couldn't get over that wee window youCora Lee Rennie It was so interesting to go up and see it, but those stairs were "wee" and straight up. I also couldn't get over that wee window you see up there is where they would have to go out and ensure that the entire light was visible. I just think about a good Newfoundland winter storm and ice on the window and you'd be out on that little ledge clearing it off in the middle of the night. Certainly wasn't an easy job, but such an important part of history - and worth exploring inside.   More ...
  • Nice to get a glimpse inside this lighthouse, Amy!
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