Sukanen Pioneer Village & Ship Museum
The Sukanen Pioneer Ship Museum is a must-not-miss destination attraction just south of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan on Hwy 2 South. Open from May until October.
This Pioneer Village & Ship Museum is one of the best and most unique museums in Canada in my opinion. Having over 100,000 vintage and antique items to see you will need 3 to 4 hours to get through the Pioneer Village and all the awesome buildings. Take a step back in time at this incredible museum.
The Ship on the corner of the property is Tom Sukanens Ship, which was saved, salvaged, and rebuilt as a monument to the tough Finnish farmer who dreamed of building a ship on the prairies and somehow sailing it home to Finland. His story is captivating and heartbreaking but one of strength and endurance. Take a self-guided tour through Sukanens Ship and read all about his life in a book called Dreams in the Dust or watch the documentary on Tom. DVDs are available at the Museums Gift Shop.
That's the museum that has everything!
Kim Kenyon including the kitchen sink lol